Both congregations worship on Sundays in the sanctuary.  Services are also livestreamed and available to watch on YouTube.

Worship at BMC

An Understanding of Worship

at Belmont Mennonite Church

By Marlene Kropf

The body of Christ meets together to serve God through worship. The result of worship is that the body of Christ is built up and receives grace, direction, and empowerment from God through the Holy Spirit. In response, we commit ourselves, both as persons and as a group, to be faithful followers of Jesus Christ carrying out Christ’s mission in the world. As with any effective ministry, our worship and worship planning grow out of our relationship with Christ.

We desire to keep both the living Word (the presence of the risen Christ) and the written Word (scripture) as the center of our lives together. Together these become the organizing principle of each worship service.

Worship at Belmont follows the celebrative seasons of the church year which include Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, and Pentecost. Worship themes for the remainder of the year are generally determined by one of the pastors or the Worship Commission. Worship styles may vary, based on the theme.

You may find a livestream of our service, and recordings of past services, by searching YouTube for “Belmont Mennonite Church.”